GSBS made difference with

We care for children, protect their welfare and prepare them for the future.

GSBS Made Difference With

  • 21 widow are leading honorable life because they started their training cum production center in Mithila Painting
  • 23 members of SHGs have been elected in Panchayati body (Election held in last year in the month of May-2006) and they are actively involved in decision making process
  • Over 1700 women have been organized in 156 SHGs. They have been given functional literacy
  • Financial institution mainly bank has given loan to 62 SHGs to start income generation activities
  • 17 village committee of youths have been formed for special rights of women and children
  • Awareness on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Particularly on HIV/AIDS can be seen among migrant labour
  • Reproductive Child Health program included total immunization and vaccination for Hepatitis-B
  • 301 Dalit’s non school going children are being prepared for becoming regular student for formal schools, around 66% of these children are girl
  • 789 drop out or non-school going children have been mainstreamed in formal education for higher education
  • GSBS has been identified as a partner NGO in the UNDP led initiative on Natural Disaster Risk management for the state of Bihar
  • 231 children made free from child labour and they send to their home
  • 2234 Children immunized
  • 56 BPL youth have been trained through vocational training and placed them in suitable place. They are earning handsome amount.
  • 10000 community latrines constructed in Baheri block of Darbhanga district
  •  200 house constructed for the flood affected victims