About us

We care for children, protect their welfare and prepare them for the future.


A youth born in rural area; has observed that there are various reasons of poverty prevailing in the rural areas. The youth name is Shri S. K. Jha; who after completing his education; formed a non-governmental organization registered in society registration act-21, 1860. He thought that we will be able to do development work for the society people living in most vulnerable situations by involving their participation for their betterment.

Initially the young men started working over the issues of flood and water logging but later on realizing the need of the community people; diversified their activities into various aspects of rural development in their areas of health-preventive and curative measures through awareness generation and service provider, promotion of primary education specially for girl child, livelihood promotion in flood and water logging areas, women empowerment for self-reliant through Self-help group formation & cluster development, reduce the atrocities, domestic violence, trafficking and prostitution among women, children specially adolescent girl, creating employment opportunities for rural youth by providing them vocational training etc.

From the beginning; the organization is working for dalit, most backward community, Schedule caste and other people; who are in actual need of development work. Such voiceless people could be able to address of their issues before government official, Panchayati Raj Institution and other platform in prestigious way after development of vision that government is for the people, by the people and of the people.